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Manley Cromwell Currier

From "History of Central Oregon," published 1906 Biographical Sketches of Lake County, pgs. 910-911
Transcribed by: Sherrain Glenn

Manley Cromwell Currier, who resides in Paisley, Oregon, was born on July 6, 1856, in Benton county, Oregon. His father, Jacob Manley Currier, was born in Vermont, February 12, 1827, and crossed the plains from the state of Missouri in 1846 to Oregon, taking a donation land claim near where Corvallis is now located. He served among the volunteers in the Cayuse Indian war and of the Rogue river war and is still living on the old donation claim near Corvallis, in his seventy-ninth year. He married Maria Foster, who came across the plains in 1845 to what is now Benton coutny. She is now deceased. Our subject has one brother, William A., of this county and one sister, Mrs. Laurena Belknap of King county, California. Our subject grew to manhood in Benton county and there secured his education. In the fall of 1880, he came to Summer Lake in this county and engaged in the stock business. In 1896, he sold out and located in Paisley and two years later opened up a retail liquor store. He has a prosperous business and owns a good residence in town.

Fraternally, Mr. Currier is affiliated with the I.O.O.F.

On November 11, 1903, Mr. Currier married Kittie Bell Hanan, who was born in Lake county, Oregon near Summer Lake valley. Her father was John C. Hanan and her mother Margaret E. (Hadley) Hanan. John C. was born on February 29, 1844, at Oregon City and as far as is know, was the first white child born in the territory now embraced in the state of Oregon. His father, George W. Hanan, had come to the Willamette valley in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company as a shoemaker. John C. Hanan came to Lake county in 1875, and was married in the Chewaucan valley to Margaret E. Hadley, who died in 1902. They were the parents of eight children, George, Mrs. Emma Kelsay, Mrs. Currier, Charles M. Henry E. Andrew, John and Waymen.

Mr. and Mrs. Currier are well known as are also Mr. and Mrs. Hanan, having been pioneers in this county.
