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John O. Fry

"Portrait and Biographical Record of the Willamette Valley - Oregon," Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1903, page 864

An enumeration of the native sons of Linn county, who are profiting by the worthy example of their sires, and maintaining an excellent agricultural standard would be incomplete without due mention of John O. Fry, who was born on the farm of his pioneer father, Olney Fry, November 2, 1859. In his youth Mr. Fry worked hard on the home farm, but at the same time was not unmindful of the many advantages of a good education, which he earnestly strove to acquire at the public schools. Later he attended Albany College for a year, and the impetus thus given has remained with him unceasingly and inspired him to further research along general lines.

At the age of twenty-one Mr. Fry left home and engaged in farming on his own responsibility, achieving considerable success by virtue of well-directed industry and good management. March 9, 1897, he married Gertrude Holloway, and to their family has been added a daughter, Zelma M. In 1902 Mr. Fry came to his present farm, which comprises one hundred and ninety acres, devoted to general farming, cattle and sheep-raising and dairying. In addition to the home farm he has one hundred and ninety-six acres, well improved, located a short distance from the home place, besides eighty-seven acres of the old homestead, which was given him by his father about one year ago. He has progressive and practical ideas of farming, and a thorough knowledge of stock. Since casting his first presidential vote for a Democratic candidate he has adhered to the principles of Democracy, although, in local matters, he believes that character and ability, rather than party, should count. He is fraternally connected with the Grange No. 10, of Grand Prairie, in which organization he is popular and well liked.
