An Illustrated History of Central Oregon, Western Historical Publishing Company, Spokane, WA. 1905, page 288. * A portrait of Mr. Turner appears between pages 288 and 289. DAVID A. TURNER is one of the oldest living pioneers of the Hood River valley and has done a labor here that commends him to substantial and good citizens. He was born in Randolph county, Missouri, on September 21, 1836, the son of David and Jane (Cloyd) Turner. The father was a native of Virginia, and his father was born in England. The grandfather of our subject came to the New World and made a settlement in Virginia, where he died. The widow then married again and the family moved to Kentucky, our subject's father being then a child two years of age. David Turner grew to manhood in Kentucky, then learned the carpenter's trade, then went to Missouri. His mother lived to be ninety-nine years and seven months of age. The mother of our subject was born in Kentucky and her parents in Virginia. She died in 1838, David A. being then two years of age. The father married again. In 1857, our subject came to San Francisco via the isthmus and clerked in a store in Eldorado county. In 1861, he invaded the wilds of the Hood River valley and bought a squatter's right to land. Soon after, however, he went to Baker county and worked in the mines near Auburn. A year later, he returned to this valley and bought another squatter's right and since then has remained here. His farm was five miles south from Hood River and he continued in his labors until 1902, when he sold out and removed to Hood River and purchased town property which he now rents. He and his wife have six dwellings and these with his other property, give them a good income. On March 19, 1866, Mr. Turner married Miss Amanda J. Neal, who was born in the Willamette valley in 1850. Her father, Peter Neal, was a native of Virginia and a pioneer of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas and Oregon. He crossed the plains in 1844 and settled at Oregon City, where he was a mill man and blacksmith for the Hudson's Bay Company. He came to Hood River in 1861 and built the first mill in this vicinity. His death occurred in Roseburg, in 1901. Mrs. Turner died on the ranch, on November 25, 1887. In June, 1897, Mr. Turner married Miss Laura E. Frost, a native of Illinois, the wedding occurring at The Dalles. Her parents were Elam and Samantha Frost, now deceased. Mr. Turner has the following named children by his first marriage: Luella, the wife of Ed Rand, city marshal of Sumpter, Oregon; William W., Roswell C., and Arthur M., all deceased. The sons were aged twenty-eight, twenty-four, and twenty-two, respectively, at the time of their death. Two died in one week, and the other two years later. Mr. Turner is a non-affiliated Mason, while he and his wife belong to the Methodist church. In politics, he is a stanch Republican, but not especially active. Mr. Turner had six brothers all older than himself and two are now living, Richard B., in San Luis Obispo county, California; and Samuel, at St. Joseph, Missouri. He also had one sister who died recently. Mrs. Turner has two brothers, Edward, who died September 22, 1886; and Walter H. Frost, living near Mohler, Idaho. She also has three sisters; Mrs. Mary E. Stevens, of Portland; Mrs. Flora E. Nolin of Dufur, Oregon, and Mrs. Luella M. Shank, of Canby, Oregon. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2005 by Jeffrey L. Elmer. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.