Morrow County’s First War Census

Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Ore.,  June 14, 1917

"The war census of Morrow county made on June 5, 1917 has been furnished this paper for publication by County Clerk Waters."
Names appear as spelled by the Heppner Gazette Times.

No. 11 Matteson  (All listed of Heppner unless otherwise noted.)
Adkins, Harley M.
Akins, Jesse Albert
Adkins, Cleve E.
Bebb, Royal E.
Buschke, Robert John
Barlow, Charles Wesley
Barton, Ralph E.
Brown, Roy Elmer
Blaine, Sanford B.
Cox, Jay Arch
Coffey, Harry B.
Cochran, Roy Thurston
Cook, George Thomas
Davis, Thermon
Edwards, Charlie
Gilham, Calvin
Gay, Henry Leo
Gammell, Chester Hugh
Hunt, Earl Edward
Hiatt, John William
Heater, Albert William
Ingram, Lester
Jones, Alva W.
Jones Glenn C.
Jayne, Harry H.
Jones, Robert Emmett
Lawson, Nolan F.
McBeth, Thomas J.
McCraw, Green
Mattewson, Loren
McAtee, Arthur
Martin, Philip
Matteson, Walter
McDevitt, Daniel
McRoberts, M. L. Avi
McDevitt, John T.
Matteson, Harley
Osten, Charles Jacob
Osmin, Charlie Jess
Phillips, Oscar M.
Pettit, John
Pleiss, Henry
Rogers, Ray Minor
Reitz, Herman
Rood, Walter
Shaw, Guy
Scott, William Ralph
Scott, Oral
Stockner, Norman
Volle, John R.
Volle, Reuben Wallace
Wright, Harry Ellsworth
Wright, Moses Albert
Wilkinson, Albert Isaac
Ward, Bernard

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