Heppner Gazette Times March 18, 1920

    Seven people were given final citizenship papers by Judge G. W. Phelps, who came over from Pendleton and held a short session of Circuit court in this city the first of the week.  Court opened on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock with United States Naturalization Agent V. W. Tomilson of Portland present.

    Mr. Tomilson gave the would be citizens an examination before presenting them to Judge Phelps.  Those who received their papers were Catherine Doherty, formerly a citizen of Great Britain, Alfred H. Nelson of Sweden and Julien Rauch of Russia.  Men who had served in the United States army were also successful in gaining citizenship.  They were Alexander Brander, formerly a subject of Great Britain; Adolphe Majeske of Russia and James Mollahan.

    After allegiance had been sworn to by the new citizens, a very impressive flag ceremony was given by members of Rawlins Post of the W.R.C., led by Mrs. Bertha Drew Gilman, who also presented each newly made citizen with a copy of the Oregon state flag law.


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