Wiley Winkle June 4, 1912; Oregonian, p 5 "Monroe Pioneer Passes" Monroe, Or., June 3 Wiley Winkle, one of the oldest pioneers of this county, died last week at the home of his son, I. N. Winkle, near Monroe. Mr. Winkle was born in 1827 in Madison County, Ala.; moved with his parents to Sullivan County, Mo., and later, in 1848, the family moved to Benton County, Or., where they have since made their home. Mr. Winkle was the father of nine children, of whom five survive, Mrs. Florence Bryan, Mrs. Effie Irwin, I. N. Winkle and J. R. Winkle, still residents of Benton County, and Mrs. Belle Logan, of Linn county. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place Saturday and burial took place in Bellfountain Cemetery. Mr. Winkle was widely known throughout this section.