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Isaac William Bond "Portrait and Biographical Record of the Willamette
Valley - Oregon," Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago,
1903 ![]() Prosperous and on good terms with himself and the world at large, Isaac W. Bond is living a somewhat retired life on his farm of three hundred and twenty-five acres northwest of Eugene. His has been a busy existence, crowned with success because of his industry and good management, and because of strict adherence to the principles of honesty and consideration for all with whom he has had to do. Born in Shenandoah County, Virginia, December 19, 1827, he is a son of Joseph and Mary (Eeshelman) Bond, natives of Virginia, and the former of English extraction. The parents were married in the old Dominion, and their six sons and five daughters were born to them, Isaac W. being the fourth child. When he was nine years old, in 1836, the family undertook the long journey overland to Indiana, settling in Knox County, where the father died December 31, 1838, at the age of forty-eight years. After his death the family continued together for many years, or until Isaac W. and Allen Bond made arrangements to come to Oregon in 1853. Thousands of men now enjoying the advantages of Oregon date their start in life from the time when they buckled on their courage and started forth on the plains between them and the Pacific Ocean. Thus it was with Isaac and Allen Bond, who joined a party under Vincent McClure, consisting of five wagons, they themselves having three yoke of oxen and three yoke of cows. Making the start, March 21, 1853, they crossed the Wabash River and proceeded with few discomforts until locating near the present farm of Mr. Bond, November 1, 1853. The latter was the happy possessor of one cow and one yoke of oxen at the end of his journey, and these served as a nucleus, around which he built up his present large farming industry. Mr. McClure, his brother, and Allen and Isaac Bond camped around the section corner, and afterward held these farms for themselves, being well content with the richness of the land, and desirability of the location. Mr. Bond from the wild land improved his farm into the present fine property, built a modern home to supplant the one hastily constructed, and put up modern barns, outhouses and fences. His land has yielded well of general farm produce, and at all times he has had fine cattle on his place, deriving a considerable yearly income from their sale. So absorbed has he been in his home and church life that Mr. Bond has never taken an active interest in political undertakings, although as the friend of education he has served on the school board for twenty years, and as the friend of good roads has been a member of the board of supervisors for three terms. In 1851 he was united with Hettie McClure, daughter of the captain of the train in which Mr. Bond came to the west, and who was born in Knox County, Indiana, August 19, 1835. Mrs. Bond proved an earnest and sympathetic helpmate, and in the early days of struggle and adversity in the new country stimulated the flagging and ofttimes discouraged hearts of those by whom she was surrounded. Notwithstanding the hard work which she accomplished she reared ten children to be useful men and women, impressing all with the necessity of thrift, economy, industry and integrity. At the time of her death, April 14, 1901, she left the following children to mourn her loss: V. S.; Louise, the wife of Rufus Robinson of Walton, Lane County; Allen, living on a farm three miles from the home place; Emma, the wife of William Wheeler of Pleasant Hill; Eliza Catherine, the wife of Halvor Wheeler of Pleasant Hill; and Amanda, living at home; Robert B., living near his father; Joseph W.; William L.; Mary A., who was the wife of C. H. Withrow, are all deceased. Mr. Bond has always taken an active part in the Christian Church and was a deacon for many years. |