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Robert H. Greer Hillsboro resident; Oregon State Representative 1909
and 1910; City Councilman; 13 year Member and
President of School Board; ROBERT H. GREER. A merchant of Hillsboro who is maintaining the business prestige of his adopted town is Robert H. Greer, one of the foremost Canadian-Americans of his locality, and a man of pronounced business judgment. He was born in Franklin, Huntingdon County, Canada, August 10, 1856, a son of Joseph and Jane (Burns) Greer, natives respectively of the North of Ireland and County Down, near Banbridge, Ireland. The family is of Scotch ancestry, the paternal grandfather having gone from Scotland to County Armagh, where he farmed, but eventually removed to the vicinity of Strongton [Sherrington], Canada, where his death occurred. Joseph Greer was young when his father settled in Canada, and he in time engaged in farming, alter removing to Lanesboro, MN, and still later to Clear Lake, IA, where he died. In religion he was in youth a Presbyterian, but in after-life changed to the Methodist Episcopal Church. His wife was a daughter of William Burns, who was born in Scotland, and removed to County Down, Ireland, eventually taking up his residence in Canada, when his daughter was a year old. Mrs. Greer who died in IA, was the mother of twelve children, ten of whom attained maturity, and of whom three sons and three daughters are now living. Robert H. being the second youngest in the family. Besides the latter, James C. is also a resident of Hillsboro. Mr. Greer was educated in the public schools of Canada, and after removing to Minnesota started out upon a career of self-support. Near Lanesboro he learned the miller's trade, after which he applied his trade in Taranto, IA, until March 1880. The same year he removed to Oregon and engaged in the milling business at Glencoe, this county, and in 1884 went to North Yakima, Yakima County, WA, and incorporated the North Yakima Milling Company, of which he was made president. He built the mill at that place, but at the expiration of a year sold out and came to Hillsboro, where he engaged in the grocery and queensware business. He has worked up a large and gratifying trade, and has every prospect of continued success. The first marriage of Mr. Greer occurred in Washington County, OR, and was with Hannah Goodin, a native of Upper Canada, who died in Glencoe, in December 1884, leaving one child, Jennie. For his second wife, Mr. Greer married Sarah M. Hiatt, a native of Jackson county, OR. Of this latter union there have been born four children: Norman, Cecelia, Damon, and Robert Hiatt. Mr. Greer is a Republican in political affiliation, has served the community as councilman for a couple of years, and is now president of the school board. Fraternally he is well known and popular, and is associated with the Odd Fellows and Encampment, the Rebekahs, and the Knights of Pythias, of which latter organization is past chancellor and past grand-master-at arms of the Grand Lodge. Mr. Greer is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which is a trustee, and towards the support of which he is a liberal contributor. Hillsboro Argus Active Life of R. H. Greer Ended Saturday Robert H. Greer, 75, early-day Hillsboro merchant
and prominent lodge member, died at 5:45 p.m.
Saturday, after an illness of a few days. Funeral
services at the Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday
afternoon were largely attended. Rev. M. A. Marcy of
Salem, former pastor of the local church, officiated,
assisted by Rev. Walton Skipworth, also a former
pastor here. Interment was in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Members of the Odd Fellows lodge were in charge of
services at the grave. Mr. Greer was born at Franklin Centre, Canada, August 10, 1856; was educated in the Canadian schools, and moved to Minnesota where he started upon a career of self-support. He was engaged in the miller’s trade in Taranto, IA, until March, 1880, when he moved to Oregon and started in the milling business at Glencoe. In 1884 he went to North Yakima, Wash., where he again engaged in the milling business. Mr. Greer went into the grocery business in Hillsboro in 1889 and continued in this business until 1926, when he disposed of his store to Mr. And Mrs. Guy Powers and son, Glen. After disposing of his grocery business, he and his wife made an extended auto trip through the east and to his old home in Canada. He was united in marriage to Hannah Goodin, August 31, 1881, to which union one child, Jane, now Mrs. William Hare, was born. Mrs. Greer died in December 1884. Mr. Greer was married to Miss Sarah May Hiatt, January 23, 1887. His career in public affairs includes that of state representative from this county in 1909 and 1910. He served as city councilman two years and as school director for 13 years, during which time he was superintendent of the poultry division, and a week ago Tuesday night attended a meeting of the fair board in the chamber of commerce rooms. Mr. Greer had been especially active in fraternal affairs. He was presented with a 50-year I.O.O.F. jewel February 13, 1930, just 50 years to the hour after joining the order. He acted as marshal August 5 for the presentation of 50-hear jewels to Zina Wood and C. P Merrell. Two weeks ago, Mr. Greer was pallbearer for Mrs. Mary Humphreys. She and Mr. And Mrs. Greer were the last three charter members of the Hillsboro Rebekah lodge. He was also prominently identified with affairs of the Knights of Pythias lodge, which he joined at Glencoe July 12, 1883, which lodged he served as the first representative to the grand lodge. In 1888 he helped to organize the Pythian lodge at Athena and on returning to Hillsboro was instrumental in the resuscitation of Phoenix lodge. Mr. Greer had served as deputy grand master-at-arms of the Pythian lodge. He had been a member of the Methodist church for 38 years and had served on the church board for a number of years. In recent weeks Mr. Greer had secured and circulated petitions for the paving of Lincoln street from Third to Fifth, together with the laying of cement sidewalks. The widow and the following children survive: Jane M. Hare, Hillsboro; Norman R. Greer, Richmond, Cal; Cecelia Will, Cle Elum, Wash.; Damon E. Greer, Maplewood, and Robert H. Greer, San Diego, Cal. All except Robert were here for the funeral. Burial: Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, aka Masonic,
IOOF/D 7.79/3/1862 On Tualatin Valley Highway, just
west of Hillsboro. Death Certificate: 178. ![]() Interior Head Quarters for Groceries; left is Norman Robert Greer; child in pram is Norman Francis Greer (R.H.’s grandson, whom he raised. (c.1910) (Click to see larger images.) ![]() 4th of July on the streets of
Hillsboro, Uncle Sam in Norman Francis Greer; John
Hare is young man in Kaiser outfit; Robert Henry
Greer looks on (right). NOTE the ladies’ attire. [c.
1917] (Click to see larger images.)