Crook County, Oregon
This site is part of
The ORGenWeb and The USGenWeb®
My name is Martha and I will be your host for "all things Crook".
I do not live in Oregon, but have roots deep in her soil.
I am an experienced online researcher and will do my best to answer questions and perhaps
help locate that missing piece of your 'Ancestral Pie'.
I can be contacted via email:
Please use this Link

Table of Contents
History ~ Biographies ~ What's New ~ Maps ~ Queries ~ Lookups
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ 'Old Crook County' Files ~ Obituaries
Military ~ BLM ~ Native Americans ~ Odds and Ends ~ Family Search: Historical Images
"Oregon Outcroppings"
- New Resources for Oregon Research [Off Site]
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ 'Old Crook County' Files ~Obituaries
B ~ M ~ D's
The 'obvious locations' for online vital record indexes and imaged documents will be included here as general links.
The created indexes are from Family Search
Family Search: Births, Marriages, Deaths
Please use this Link for current requirements for availability of OR Vital Records
FS Oregon Birth Records: 1860-1952 Searchable Index
Oregon Deaths, 1842-1952 and Delayed Births, 1844-1914

B - M - D's, may also be recorded in Archival Newspapers: Lookups
Chronicling America is Free, so is the
Historic Oregon Newspaper Collection
and Google Archived Newspapers
Historic Oregon Newspapers

Below are Indexes for Multiple Databases on FS
The basic criteria for the Search is Born in Crook County
Crook County Births: 1868 > 1929
Crook County Marriages
Crook County Deaths
Crook County Obituaries

Family Search: "Collections" Oregon
Neighboring States
Nevada ~
Washington [Scroll Down] Log into your FS Account, Access the Resourses
Linked Above
Family Search ~ Michigan Marriages
This link is for folks born in Oregon and who married in Michigan: 1868 - 1925
[Available Info: Full Name, Place of Marriage, Residence, Place of Birth, Age, Occupation, Officiant, Witnesses]
Sign into your FS Account, then use the above link.
There is a FS Book on Early Crook County Marriages
Crook County, Oregon, marriages, 1882-1890
aka: Oregon, Crook County marriages, 1882-1890
Statement of Responsibility:
Transcribed by Marjorie Tracy [Author]
Salem, Oregon : End of Trail Researchers, 1978
There are LDS Films for Marriage Records for Crook Co., 'Neighbors'
Rememember that many times "Folks ran away to be married"
Unfortunately they are in the 'Historical Image Section and, for the most part,
are not indexed as searchable in the traditional FS Search.
So... Here is a chart for both Marriage & Death Records
Crook Neighbors: Marriage & Death Records:
FS Historical Images
There are over 1000 Death Record Films for Grant County, Use this Link.
There are 61 Marriage Record Films for Grant County, Use this Link.
There are 230 Death Record Films for Harney: Please use this Link for the pdf Chart
Please use this link for Crook County Neighbors: Marriage and Death Record Films

There are Divorce Records for Oregon Family Search: Catalog ~
Please use this Link

Death ~ Coroner ~ Burial Records
There are Death Record Films in the FS Catalog.
Unfortuantely they are only available at a FHL Center.
Here is the Link for the list of Films. 1903-1970
Here is an index for Death Certificates
Here is an index for Coroner Records
Here is an index for Folks born in Crook County, but died elsewhere
A huge collection of Death Certificates!
This link is for the actual Images: Organized by Year
The indexes for them have been reformatted for easier searching.
The complete index is here
Happy Hunting!
Cemetery, Funeral Home and Burial Records
I did not find any Cem info in the old Crook Files
But, that said, there are DAR Cemetery Records in the FS Catalog: See Below
Geneology Trails has a list of Cemeteries & Locations
Please Use This Link for Gen Trails: Crook County

Cemetery Name Changes: Source:
"Prineville Funeral Home, Index" [Dodge, Sharon B] 1992-1993
AF & AM ~ City Cemetery ~ IOOF Masonic ~ Old City ~ Prineville All Combined into Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, OR
Willow Creek > Grizzly Cemetery, Grizzly, OR Rim Rock > Grey Butte Cemetery, SE of Culver, OR
Hale > IOOF, NE of Culver, OR Spring 1894 - 19 May 1942
The whole book can be downloaded from the FS Catalog
Please use this link, after you log into your FS
While it does not have the actual grave information, it does contain Names & Burial Locations
Old Cemetery Records
"Compiled by the Genealogy Committee of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"
Prineville Branch, Prineville, Oregon, 1966
See FS Catalog for Transcriptions using the Film Number: 873695.
Oregon Burial Site Guide
Compiled by: Dean H Bryd
Co-Compiled by Stanley R Clarke & Janice M Healy
Binford & Mort Publishing, Portland Oregon, 2001
Permission to use on the ORGenWeb given by:
Mr Stanley R Clarke.
The Introduction and key can be found here. Indexes Here
Crook County Pages can be found here. [PDF's]
USGW Archive Indexes.
or use FS and Search all of F~A~G
Billion Graves on FS or

Obituaries from the Albany Democrat Herald: 1999 - 2023
Please Use this Link for the Index. [Available on Heritage Hub]
"HeritageHub" [Includes NewsBank]
1921 to December 2023
September 2024
Note: I will not be creating any more Obit Indexes: I have had no queries for
them for a couple of years.
But, that said, I will
still do lookups on Heritage Hub
Contact: Martha
Obituary Indexes from the Legacy Collection of Jose Rivera
Nieves Here is the Index for all of
Here is the Index for the
United States Here
is an index for Countries of the World
Note: Many of the
Obituaries might be found using Heritage Hub Digital Newspaper Collection
which is available in many local Public Libraries. Check your local Library
under 'Resources' - Access requires a Library Card
Obituaries ~ Memorial Cards ~ Obits from Newspapers
Memorial Cards & Newspaper Obits:
Claypool, Betty ~ Dickman, Pat ~ Green, Bob ~ Green, Eileen
Gardiner, Molly & Wood, Marj
"Obituaries from the Old Crook County Files"
A - L / M - Z [Reformatted for easier access]
Here is the index for the above files
Obituaries, Gleaned from Genealogy Bank,
B: Oregon, Died in San Luis Obispo County
Most of the obits listed on the this index can be found on Heritage Hub
Lookups Newspapers

Vital Records Books: Family Search Catalog Here is a series of booklets published in Wyoming: 1912 > 2006
"Tidbits from the Big Piney Examiner of Sublette Co., WY "
Compiler: Anna Lee Woffinden
Catagories: Engagements, Marriages, Deaths, News Articles & Obituaries for Oregon
Download the booklets yourself from FS : Note: There are indexes at the back of each Booklet
"Pahrump, Nevada Genealogical Society Obits 1970-2009: Published: 2010"
Digital copies of obituaries for people with some connection to Pahrump, Nevada.
Individuals may have lived and or died in many different states.
There are indexes for each book which is a searchable pdf.
Read Online or Download using this FS Link
And a big thanks to both Jan & Rose for their diligent work making the Crook County portion of the ORGenWeb a great place to find that ''elusive family member' |
"The Fine Print"
State Coordinator: Bob Jenkins
Assistant State Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
Crook County Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
Please see our ORGenWeb Copyright Disclaimer and other important information.
For information about adopting a Oregon County, an idea or comment, Please Contact Bob
Information contained on all of the pages within the County portion of the ORGenWeb Project
may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due.
Donated data will remain with the County in the event of the resignation of the County Coordinator.
Any person donating information in the future retains the right to have it returned to them upon request
Site Updated: 23 December 2024
Online Continuously since 1997 ~ All Rights Reserved
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