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Cities/Towns  Past/Present

City Description/Location
Bend Shortened from Farewell Bend, a point on the Deschutes River, it was at this place travelers over the pioneer roads had their last view of the river.
Cloverdale Located a few miles east of Sisters. The summer of 1900 saw the first school house built on the property of the late George Cyrus property as it was nearest to the center of population of the area..
Crooked River Ranch Located in the Crooked River Canyon.. The original 12,000 acre cattle ranch was homesteaded in 1910 by the Gates family. The Old Ranch House, built in 1916, served as home and headquarters for several families throughout the years. In 1972 the cattle ranch was purchased by the McPhearson Corporation and became the development now known as Crooked River Ranch.
Deschutes There have been several post offices and localities in Oregon named Deschutes, all of them along the Deschutes River and encompassing at least 3 counties, Deschutes, Sherman and Wasco.  The last one being between Bend and Redmond on Hwy 97 established in July 1911.
Gist Post office was established Feb 14, 1907 at the Charles L. Gist ranch and was named for the family and Mr. Gist was the first Postmaster.  It was located "a few miles southeast of Sisters on the old road".
Imperial Laid out on the south half of a school section on the south edge of Hampton Valley in a north angle from Frederick Butte in 1910 by Sherman Montgomery.  Lots sold for anywhere from $10.00 to $500.00
Redmond Named for Frank T. Redmond, who moved to the area in 1905.  The town was plotted in 1906.  The Redmond post office was established on Aug. 29, 1905
Sisters Just East of the Cascade Range at the base of the 3 Sisters.  Post office was originally at Camp Polk and moved in 1888. The town site plat was filed in July 15, 1901 by Alex and Robert Smith
Millican Named for George Millican.  The old Millican store was on the P.B. Johnson homestead.  Post office was established in 1913 with Johnson as the postmaster.  The town was moved when US 20 was opened in 1930.  
La Pine Originally named Rosland, La Pine was renamed for the abundance of pine trees. The post office was established in 1910 and the postal service changed the name to Lapine.  La Pine was reestablished as the name in 1951 by the post office.
Terrebonne Originally called Hillman (combining the name of James J. Hill and E.H. Harriman) the town was founded by a man named Hillman, a prominent real estate operator who got into trouble with the government, the citizens renamed the town to Terrebonne,  which is French for good earth.  The post office was changed in 1911..
Brothers Thought to be named after Three Brothers Sheep Camp, but could be named Brothers for the many fraternal family groups that lived in the area.  The Brothers post office was founded in 1913
Hampton Named for Hampton Butte, which was possibly formed by an explosive volcanic eruption, which discharged acid lavas and probably furnished most of the material for the extended tuff sheets forming the surface of much of the adjacent land.  The Hampton post office was formed in 1911.  Today the town consists of a gas station and restaurant.
Tumalo / Laidlaw Originally named Laidlaw after W.A. Laidlaw the post office was established in 1904.  The name Tumalo came from the development of the Tumalo irrigation project and the locals continued the use of the name for the area.  In 1915, the Laidlaw post office was renamed
Camp Polk Located about 3 miles NE of Sisters on the west bank of Squaw Creek. This military outpost was established in 1865

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