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1891 Sinclair Emmigration

The Sinclair Emigration from Red River, Canada. James Sinclair 's list of emigrants for the Columbia in 1841:

Henry Buxton ,wife and 1 child
James Birston , wife and 3 children
John Cunningham wife and 1 child
John Tait
Julien Bernier, wife and 2 stout boys
Horatio Calder, wife and 7 children, 3 grown up
William Flett, Mother and 4 children
John Spence, wife and 4 children
James Flett, wfie and 4 children
John Flett, wife and 4 children
David Flett, wife and 2 children
Joseph Klyne, wife
Toussaint Joyale, wife and 4 children
Francois Gagnon, wife and 5 children
Baptist Rhelle, wife and 1 child
Pierre St. Germain, wife and 5 children
Charles McKay, wife and 4 children
Francois Jacques, wife and 4 children (Plourde dit Jacques)
Alexander Birston, wife and 4 children
Gonracque Zastre, wife and 6 children
Pierre Larocque, wife and 3 children
Louis Larocque, wife and 3 children
Archd Spence, wife and 7 children.

This troop traveled overland across Canada by canoe and ox cart and eventually on foot, ending up at Fort Nasqually. A lot of information about the metis [people of mixed blood, Native American and other] of the Pacific Northwest can be found in "Children of the Fur Trade: Forgotten Metis of the Pacific Northwest" by John C. Jackson, Mountain Press Publishing Company, Inc., ISBN 0-87842-339-7.

Submitted by Penny Stewart
