World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personel from Oregon

Boe, Donald O. 393331123 CPL KIA
Burris, John W. 0130 1757 1 LT KIA
Case, Arthur D. 19014941 S SG KIA
Covey, Wilbur L. 39327133 PVT KIA
Haines, Kenneth H 39342652 PFC KIA
Hatfield, Lester 39318637 SGT DNB
Hawkins, Robert E. 19169988 SGT DNB
Jakku, Stuart W. O-756983 2 LT KIA
Joost, Ralph H. 39307643 CPL DNB
Lawyer, Leonard D. 37036258 TECH5 KIA
Meyer, Joseph C. O-701784 2 LT KIA
Mills, James W. 39384894 TEC5 DNB
Nye, Donald L 35344537 S SG KIA
Olson, Thomas H 19015224 PFC DNB
Radliff, Donald D 19153485 PFC KIA
Reser, Rollin J. 39335117 PVT KIA
Ryalls, William L. O-868664 1 LT KIA
Sagers, Richard M. 39318635 T SG KIA
Tolman, Floyd D. 29164915 SGT KIA
Tomlinson, John A 39453649 M SG DNB
White, Lewis E. O-426580 1 LT DNB


Serial Numbers

Serial numbers are assigned with great care and according o a set of regulations. Consecutive serial numbers, for example, are not assigned to twins since this might cause confusions of identity between two persons with the same birth date and same general physical characteristics.

Generally speaking, numbers fall into two broad categories: simple seven or eight digit numbers (in a few cases fewer digits) for male enlisted personnel, and prefixed serial numbers for other personnel. Regular Army enlisted men who entered the service before the outset of Selective Service bear seven-digit or lower serial numbers, usually beginning with "6" or "7", as 6974426, Men who enlisted in the army of the United States have eight-digit numbers beginning with "1", the second digit indicating the Service Command of origin. For example the serial number 14066025 would indicate that the man enlisted in the Army of the United States in the Forth Service Command (Southeastern U.S.), Men called into fedrally recognized National Guard service recieved eight-digit numbers beginning with"2" and the third digit representing the Service Command: 2017656 indicates a National Guardsman from New England (First Service Command). Men inducted or enlisted through Selective Service were given eight-digit numbers beginning with "3" or "4", the second digit representing the Service Command. The prefixed sdrial numbers for other than male enlisted personnel carry a designated letter: O-(as in O-1574257) for male commissioned officers; W- for male Warrent officers; T- for Flight officers of the Army Air Forces; L- for commissioned offices of the Women's Army Corps; V- for WAC Warrant officers; A- for WAC enlisted women; R- for Hospital Dietitians, and M- for Physical Therapy Aides.

Types of Casualty

This is indicated by the symbol at the far right of each column. An individual who was killed in action whether at the fron or by enemy action in the rear areas, or if a prisoner of war, whether by air bombardment of his prison camp or by being shot while escaping, is designated "KIA." Persons who were wounded and later died are marked "DOW" --died of wounds. Those who suffered fatal battle INJURIES as opposed to WOUNDS, in combat or in combat areas, and died in a line-of-duty status, are designated "DOI" -- Died of infuries. Other line-of-duty deaths, such as from sickness, homicide, suicide or accidents outside combat areas (including training and maneuver deaths) are listed "DNB" --died non-battle. Individuals who were determined to be dead under Public Law 490 are designated "FOD" --finding of death. Missing persons are marked withsingle letter "M".

From the National Archives WWII Army Casualties: Oregon Forward II