Dr. William L. Adams May 5, 1906; Oregonian, p 8 Dr. W. L. Adams, who died at Hood River a few days ago at the advanced age of 85 years, was forty or fifty years ago one of the most aggressive and influential politicians in Oregon. As editor of the Oregon City Argus in territorial days, he put up a valiant but losing fight against General Joseph Lane for Congress. As a leading representative of the press and political methods of those times he was dreaded by his foes and not greatly beloved by his friends. Later he became a physician and had for many years lived in retirement, the announcement of his death being the first intimation that many who once knew him have had for years that he had not long ago passed away. Dr. Adams, "Billy", Adams, as he was known in early days, was a pioneer of 1848 and passed sixty-one of his eighty-five years in Oregon.