Ezra Henson Jan. 4, 1910; Oregonian, p 7 Hood River, Or., Jan. 3 Ezra Henson, a Pacific Coast pioneer of 1848, who died December 30 in the Upper Valley, was buried here yesterday. Mr. Henson was born at Scio, O., December 25, 1831. He came to California in 1848 and to Silverton, Or, in 1850. He served through the Yakima Indian Wars of 1855-56 and later was a resident of The Dalles for 30 years. He came to Hood River about ten years ago. Jan. 8, 1910; Oregonian, p 6 "Pioneer of 1852 Passes" Oregon City, Or., Jan. 7 Ezra Henson, who lived near Mount Hood, died at his home on December 30, 1909, of heart failure. He was born in Richmond, Ross County, Ohio, December 25, 1832, and was an Oregon pioneer, having come across the plains in 1852. He served in the Indian War of 1855-56, and was married in June, 1856, to Miss Mary Offield, who died in 1889. He leaves three children, C. T. Henson, Mrs. Robert Teasure, of Mount Hood, and Mrs. M. E. Graves, of this city.