Morrow County Cemeteries

Sand Hollow (Long) Cemetery, Lexington





First grave in this cemetery is believed to be that of a son of Charlie Long, who died in the fall of 1886 at the age of 19 years.


LOCATION: Twp 1N, R 26E, Sec 13
Address: About 1 mile E of 75150 Barclay Lane, Lexington
Directions: Between Sand Hollow Road and Campbell Road

NOTES: This cemetery at one time contained the families of many of the pioneers of this section of Morrow County, but some of the stones have been torn up and much of it destroyed. There are only a few burials and stones left. Persons who knew say that there were at least 86 persons buried here.  A Mrs. Foley, who is daughter of Mrs. Hoskins, says that at one time she counted 96 graves in this cemetery.  There were 9 markers in 1967 when the record was made, mostly broken, no fence except for the Hoskins grave.

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Friday, June 02, 2000