Curry County Obituaries/Death Notices

Below you will find a compilation of obituaries and death notices gathered from various newspapers by volunteers and families throughout Lincoln County. If YOU have an obituary for a Curry County resident and would like to add to this collection or, better yet, if you want to volunteer to transcribe obituaries please contact the county coordinator.

 Deaths from Sec. of State Archives
 Deaths at familysearch
 Miscellaneous Curry County Obits
 Obits at Curry Coastal Pilot

Please note: Some of the entries are missing a given name - initials are used or a 'title' like Mr./Mrs. If YOU know the full name of the individual listed, please contact me with their correct name and I will update the entry!! Some names I was able to find on either or but unfortunately, the rest are as you see them.

Blackerby, Mrs.
The Southwest Oregon Recorder, 22 Jan 1885

Died: At Aumsville, Marion county, January 18, 1885, Mrs. Blackerby, aged 75 years, mother of Mr. EM Blackerby, of Denmark.

Transcribed by Jeannette Harper

Brown, O.P.
Southwest Oregon Recorder, 04 Nov 1884

Died - A letter was received at Denmark last week by Mrs. OP Brown from a gentleman in Yreka, Cal., stating that her husband had died at that place on the 20th from the effects of a cut on the knew received some time since while making shingles. The letter contained no other information, but state that Master Walter, who accompanied his father on the trip, would be started homeward in a few days with full particulars. Mr. Brown left here last Summer on a trip southward for the benefit of his health, and from the tone of the letters received by his family, it was supposed that he was fast recovering from his illness.

Southwest Oregon Recorder, 25 Nov 1884

Died - At Yreka, Cal., October 19, OP Brown, aged 58 years. Otis P. Brown was born in Camden, Maine, January 24, 1826. He came to California in 1849 and to Oregon in 1864, where he married Miss nancy A. Brown February 18, 1865. His death was caused by a wound received from a drawing knife, he leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss.

Transcribed by Jeannette Harper

Fitzhugh, Solomon
The Southwest Oregon Recorder, 21 Oct 1884

Late last Saturday evening the community was shocked with the intelligence that but an hour before Hon. Solomon Figzhugh had breathed his last at the residence of his son George Figzhugh. While he had been in feeble health for some time his sudden death was unlooked for as during the day he had been in attendance at and took an active part in a school meeting, and betrayed no evidence of his approaching dissolution. About 7 o'clock he retired and soon was apparently asleep but Mrs. Rolls, a daughter, observed an irregularity in his breathing, neared the bedside and discovered that the end was drawing nigh. Without recovering consciousness, and with no perceptible tremor or unusual movement the spark of life fled. Yesterday at 3 o'clock the funeral procession followed to the last resting place all that was mortal of Hon. Soloman Fitzhugh.

Fitzhugh, Solomon
The Southwest Oregon Recorder, 21 Oct 1884 - At the thome of his son, near Denmark, Saturday Evening, October 18, 1884. Hon. Solomon Fitzhugh, aged 81 years.

Transcribed by Jeannette Harper

Guerin, John L.
The Southwest Oregon Recorder, 08 Jan 1885

Died: At Eckley, December 25, 1884, John L., son of Geo. H and Cella Guerin, after a short illness, aged 9 months and 6 days.

Transcribed by Jeannette Harper

Inberg, Oscar
Southwest Oregon Recorder, 14 Oct 1884

Oscar Inberg, step-son of Capt. H. Strahan of Ellensburg, was drowned in Rogue river on the afternoon of Oct. 6th, in attempting to cross the river on a mule at one of the fords about two miles above town; the ford is one which has been used all Summer, but at this time the tide being well in, young Inberg found swimming water and his mule becoming unmanageable, he was finally thrown loose from it, and the general supposition is that he was disabled in some way by the animal, as he did not seem to make an effort at swimming ashore, although the water was perfectly smooth and the river not very wide at that point. Mr. Hume's crew of fisherman were a few hundred yards from the drowning man, and in full view, but before they could reach the spot, the young man sunk to rise no more. One of the boats was within a few yards of him the last time he came up but could not reach in time; immediately the sein was thrown out, and a haul made for the body, but without success, and during the afternoon there were a number of unsuccessful hauls made, and although the river has been dragged thoroughly and a number of of cartridge's of giant powder used, the body has not been recovered up to this writing.

Transcribed by Jeannette Harper

Miller, A.F.
The Southwest Oregon Recorder, 22 Jan 1885

Died: At Chetco, January 22, 1885, AF Miller, aged about 70 years.

Transcribed by Jeannette Harper