Crook County, Oregon
This site is part of
The ORGenWeb and The USGenWeb®

My name is Martha and I will be your host for "all things Crook".
I do not live in Oregon, but have roots deep in her soil.
I am an experienced online researcher and will do my best to answer questions and perhaps
help locate that missing piece of your 'Ancestral Pie'.
I can be contacted via email:
Please use this Link

Table of Contents
History ~ Biographies ~ What's New ~ Maps ~ Queries ~ Lookups
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ 'Old Crook County' Files ~ Obituaries
Military ~ BLM ~ Native Americans ~ Odds and Ends ~ Family Search: Historical Images
 "Oregon Outcroppings" - New Resources for Oregon Research [Off Site]

Search Crook County
Military ~ BLM ~ Native Americans ~ Odds and Ends ~ Family Search: Historical Images

Year Book
Sons of the American Revolution. Oregon Society; Sons of the American Revolution. Oregon Society. Yearbook
Years: 1895, 1905
Please use this Link:

Military Records and Resources Modern Wars and Casualty Lists
 "Soldiers Of The Great War"
In three Volumes Compiled by:
W M Haulsee, F G Howe, A C Doyle Soldiers Record Publishing Association,
Washington, D C: Copyright, 1920
"Soldiers of the Great War" ~ Oregon

Reports of Civil War [Union Army] Generals

"Military Rolls" Crook County
These indexes are in the FS Catalog:
Here is a Chart with the Alpha Info, Years, and Image Ranges Military Databases on Family Search: Crook County
Note: If you are curious why so many men died
on 17 June 1877 in Idaho.

Search the DAR ~ Search the GAR ~ Search the SAR
Soldiers & Sailors [Civil War]
State of Oregon: Military Records

Historic Land Grants: Veterans / Canada

More Military Records
Oregon in the Civil War ~ Oregon Military Units ~ Civil War Archive
United States Civil War and Later Pension Index, 1861-1917
Military Headstones - Civil War Veterans & Military Headstone Applications
[FS has Headstone Applications: Use this Link [1925-1949]

The National Archives has CW Headstone Information: Use this Link
1890 Veteran's Schedule

FS: Draft Registrations for both WWI & WWII

Native American Resources Tribes of Oregon
"Our Native Americans and their records of genealogical value" 3 Volumes
Kirkham, E Kay, Author, 1980 Everton Publishers, Logan Utah
The books can be downloaded here.

"Indians of the northwest" [Washington, Oregon and Idaho]
Digital Book, FS, Published: 1968 by BIA BIA Agency Records, 1879-1951~ Digital Images, FS Library
"Muster Rolls: Early Indian Wars of Oregon" Pub: 1894 / Francis Fuller Victor
Access through FS : Books

Odds and Ends

The National Archives has a really nice set of digitized records that can be freely accessed.
The Chart below is linked to each resource: Entitled: "Browse by Category"
Genealogy/ Personal History Private Sector Wars/ International Relations Time Spans
Businesses Civil War 1800 –1900
Foundations World War II 1900 –1940
Casualties Labor Unions Korean War 1940 –1955
Civilians Securities Vietnam War 1955 –1965
Military Personnel Places Cold War 1965 –1975
Immigrants Countries Diplomatic Records 1975 –1985
Prisoners of War States Government Spending 1985 –1995
Indexes to Counties Contracts 1995 present
Photographs Cities/Towns
Textual Records Zip Codes Grants and Assistance Browse by Subject

Records & Information found in the "Old Crook Co Files"
BLM Records:
1870 > 1899: A - K / L - Z 1900 > 1904 ~ 1906 > 1910 ~ 1911 > 1915 "Old Timers"

 Family Search: Historical Images  
FS adds new records and images on a regular basis.

The following Chart will help you get a handle on information that could be of value to your search for Family data.
The linked Chart lists the type of record, the Film # and the Dates of the Records
The Films on this Linked Chart are an extension of the Vital Records linked above.

To access the Historical Images, log into your FS Account:
Click on Search, then at the top of the page: Historical Images:
Enter Locatiion of Choice
Use the chart above will help you with local resources.
Search, Catalog, and plug in the DGS Film number of interest from the Chart in the 'Fiche-Film' slot.
Time Frame: 1881 > 1904 / Location: Crook County proper
Note: Draft Registrations & Federal Census Records are not included
"The Fine Print"
State Coordinator: Bob Jenkins
Assistant State Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
Crook County Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham

Please see our ORGenWeb Copyright Disclaimer and other important information.
For information about adopting a Oregon County, an idea or comment, Please Contact Bob

Information contained on all of the pages within the County portion of the ORGenWeb Project
may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due.
Donated data will remain with the County in the event of the resignation of the County Coordinator.
Any person donating information in the future retains the right to have it returned to them upon request

Site Updated: 22 December 2024
Online Continuously since 1997 ~ All Rights Reserved
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