George W. Conser Bio

A country or community is prosperous or otherwise according as its finances are manipulated properly or misapplied, consequently it is of the utmost importance that good financial ability be domiciled within the borders of every municipality, and it is matter of congratulation that the county of Morrow is well supplied with men who are representative in this particular qualification, and as a leader among this goodly number must be mentioned, because of his distinguished ability and practical demonstrations in that capacity, the worthy pioneer and esteemed citizen and gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph.

Mr. Conser was born in Marion county, this state, on November 23, 1854, being the son of Jacob and Nancy (Gunsaules), who came to Oregon from Illinois, crossing the plains in 1848. Jacob Consor was one of the prominent men of the state, being a member of the first territorial legislature and active in the advancement of all that was for the good of the infant commonwealth, while in social matters he was ever interested, having served one year as grand worthy chief templar of the Good Templars for the state of Oregon. His death occurred in March, 1893. His wife is also deceased.

Referring more particularly to our subject, he was educated in the public schools of his native state and here grew to manhood, engaging for a number of years with Thomas & Company, and then taking a position with the First National Bank, of Heppner, where he has served for thirteen years as cashier and is at the present time engaged. He owns a third interest in the Ayers Cattle Company, which has besides other stock about seven thousand five hundred head of sheep, and is interested in the coal mining company. In 1888 he was elected treasurer of Gilliam county, where he did efficient service, manifesting ability and faithfulness.

Mr. Conser was married to Lillie L., daughter of C. A. Rhea, and a native of this county, on December 3, 1889, the wedding taking place in this county. He is affiliated with the A. F. & A. M., having attained to the royal arch chapter, is also a member of the O. E. S., the B. P. O. E. and the A. O. U. W. Mr. Conser has served as mayor of the city of Heppner, giving entire satisfaction, and displaying commendable enterprise and wisdom in his administration. (end)

Source: An Illustrated History of Umatilla County by Colonel William Parsons and of Morrow County by W. S. Shiach with a brief outline of the early history of the State of Oregon, W.H. Lever, Publisher, 1902; Morrow County Biographical pages 509-510.

Source: An Illustrated History of Umatilla County by Colonel William Parsons and of Morrow County by W. S. Shiach with a brief outline of the early history of the State of Oregon, W.H. Lever, Publisher, 1902; Morrow County Biographical pages 507-508. transcribed by Laura.